Daily Answer Writing for UPSC –18th August 2023

Question: Discuss the relationship between haphazard development and the increased impact of weather events.


Haphazard development refers to the unplanned, unregulated, and often chaotic growth of urban and rural areas without proper consideration for infrastructure, environmental sustainability, and disaster preparedness. This type of development can lead to a range of negative consequences, including the increased impact of weather events. The relationship between haphazard development and the increased impact of weather events is complex and interconnected, and several key factors contribute to this relationship:

  • Urbanization and Land Use Changes: Unplanned growth reduces natural water absorption, causing flooding and erosion during heavy rains.
  • Inadequate Infrastructure: Poorly planned areas lack proper drainage and defenses, increasing vulnerability to floods and power outages.
  • Ecological Disruption: Disrupted ecosystems like wetlands worsen flooding and storm surges, as they can’t regulate water effectively.
  • Population Density and Vulnerability: High-density, underserved areas suffer more during weather events due to insufficient services and emergency response.
  • Climate Change Amplification: Haphazard development increases emissions and energy consumption, amplifying climate change’s impact on extreme weather.

Way forward

  • Urban Planning: Chennai’s Sustainable Drainage: Chennai integrates green spaces and permeable surfaces in urban planning to manage heavy monsoon rains, reducing flooding.
  • Investment in Infrastructure: Mumbai’s Flood Resilience: Mumbai invests in flood-resistant infrastructure like stormwater drains and pumping stations to combat intense monsoon rainfall.
  • Climate Adaptation: Himachal’s Agroforestry: Himachal Pradesh practices agroforestry, planting trees among crops, improving resilience against erratic weather patterns.
  • Community Engagement: Community Cyclone Shelters in Odisha: Odisha involves locals in establishing cyclone shelters and educating communities to enhance preparedness.

The haphazard development can intensify the impact of weather events by exacerbating vulnerabilities and disrupting natural systems. Addressing this relationship requires a holistic approach that combines effective urban planning, sustainable development practices, investment in infrastructure, and a focus on climate resilience.

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