Geography Syllabus for UPSC: Indian and World Geography Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.
As may be obvious, the prospectus makes reference to just 1 line. Allow us to check out at the subtleties now.
Indian Geography
1. Basics of India
- Location, latitude, longitude, time zone, etc.
- Neighbours
- Important straits
- States and their position
- States with international boundaries
2. Physical features
- The Himalayas – geological formation, climate, vegetation, soil, biodiversity, physiographic divisions, major passes, significance
- The Great North Indian Plains – geological formation, physiographic divisions, climate, vegetation, soil, biodiversity, significance
- Peninsular Plateau – geological formation, Central Highlands, Deccan Plateau, Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats
- Indian Desert
- Coastal plains and islands
3. River systems
- Himalayan rivers
- Peninsular rivers
- River basins
- Regional development and planning
- Hydropower projects, major dams
- West-flowing and east-flowing rivers
4. Climate
- Monsoons – driving mechanism, El Nino, La Nina
- Seasons
5. Minerals and industries – mineral distribution, industrial policies, location
6. Agriculture
- Land utilisation
- Types of agricultural practices
- Soils and crops
- Irrigation
- Land reforms
- Animal husbandry
- Government schemes
7. Natural vegetation and fauna
- Classification of natural vegetation
- Biosphere reserves, national parks, etc.
- Red-listed species
8. Economic infrastructure
- Transportation (highways, inland waterways, etc.)
- Power and energy sector
- Conventional and non-conventional sources of energy
- Energy conservation
9. Human Geography
- Demographics
- Recent census
World Geography
- Major natural regions
- Regional geography of developed countries
- Regional geography of developing countries
- Regional geography of South Asia
Physical Geography
1. Geomorphology
- Origin of the earth
- Interior of the earth
- Types and characteristics of rocks
- Folding and Faulting
- Volcanoes, earthquakes
- Interior of the earth
- Weathering
- Landforms formed by fluvial, aeolian and glacial actions
2. Climatology
- Atmosphere – structure and composition
- Temperature
- Wind systems
- Clouds and types of rainfall
- Cyclones and anti-cyclones
- Major climatic types
3. Oceanography
- Ocean relief
- Temperature, salinity
- Ocean deposits
- Ocean currents
- El Nino and La Nina
- Waves and tides
4. Biogeography
- Soil – origin and types
- Major biomes of the world
- Ecosystem, food chain
- Environmental degradation and conservation
Human Geography
- Man & environment; relationship, growth and development of human geography; determinism and possibilism
- Population, tribes, migration
- Economic activities agriculture, manufacturing, industries, tertiary activities
- Settlements, urbanisation, functional classification of towns, million-cities and megacities
- Area based questions relating to India and the world are likewise asked in the prelims.
- The UPSC contains the prospectus of the geology discretionary alongside different subjects.
UPSC Mains Geography Syllabus
Topography is fundamental for the GS paper I in the IAS mains test. The timetable for GS Geography is given under:
- Circulation of key regular assets across the world including South Asia and the Indian sub-mainland; factors answerable for the area of essential, optional, and tertiary area ventures in different regions of the planet including India
- Significant Geophysical peculiarities, for example, tremors, Tsunami, Volcanic action, typhoons and so on, topographical elements and their area changes in basic geological highlights (counting water-bodies and ice-covers) and in greenery and the impacts of such changes.
- Salient features of the world’s physical geography (geomorphology, climatology, oceanography, biogeography and environmental geography)
- Geomorphology – the interior of the earth, tectonics, physical phenomenon, mountain building, volcanoes, earthquakes, weathering & erosion, rocks, landforms
- Climatology – atmosphere, temperature distribution, jet streams, pressure & wind systems, airmasses, fronts, cyclones, humidity, precipitation, geographical phenomenon, climatic regions of the world
- Oceanography – ocean relief, temperature distribution, ocean currents, salinity, coral bleaching, marine pollution, sea level change, UN laws, etc.
- Biography – soil profile, degradation, conservation), biotic regions, deforestation and conservation of forests, changes in critical geographical features, environmental pollution
Book List For Geography
- Certificate Physical & Human Geography (Oxford) by Goh Cheng Leong
- NCERTs (New Editions)
- XI Standard: (1) India – Physical Environment (2) Fundamentals of Physical Geography
- XII Standard: (1) India – People & Economy (2) Fundamentals of Human Geography
- School Atlas – Orient Black Swan
- Indian Geography by D. R. Khullar