If you’re going to appear for the UPSC exam for the first time, you must be aware of negative marking. Negative marking is the biggest trap that decreases the marks of examinees in UPSC exams. The system of negative marking can create confusion and dilemmas in candidates. As a UPSC examinee, you won’t be able to decide if you would attend all the questions or not. The fear of negative marking can distract examinees during the exam. You have to be very alert and conscious while attending the questions of UPSC question papers to avoid negative marking. Otherwise, marks will keep getting deducted from your correct answers as well.

However, you can use some tricks and strategies to avoid the trap of negative marking. This article is going to highlight the best strategies to avoid negative marking.

What are The Smart Ways to beat Negative Markings in the UPSC Exam? 

  1. Whatever topic you are reading while preparing for UPSC, never miss single information. The UPSC question papers include a lot of informative questions that can confuse candidates. You should go through the topics from top to bottom. Don’t leave any portion of a chapter or topic unread. Wild guess is not an option when you appear for a vital exam like UPSC. Make sure you remember detailed information about the topics to answer tricky questions appropriately.
  2. You should give more priority to the questions that you can answer confirmedly. There must be some questions in the question paper that you will find confusing. Keep those questions aside and attempt the easy question at first. Don’t answer any question that you’re uncertain about. Firstly, make sure that you answer the confirmed questions correctly. After that, you can try to answer the questions that you are finding a bit confusing. Time management is a big factor in the UPSC exam. You can’t afford to waste many minutes on each question. Sometimes, concentrating too much on confusing questions can lead you to give the wrong answer to the easy ones. That’s why focus on the questions that you can answer with 100% assurance.
  3. Taking a little risk is also important in terms of getting success in the UPSC exam 2020. After answering the sure-shot questions, you should focus on the questions that seem answerable. You might be able to figure out the right answers to the questions. The chances of getting full marks in those questions are 50-50. But if you can make the right guesses while determining the right answers, your grades will increase positively. That’s why you should take a chance to attempt those 50-50 questions after answering the sure-shot question.
  4. Don’t try to answer the questions that you have no idea about. That kind of thing will lead to negative marking for sure. You will get no marks if you don’t answer a question. But marks will be deducted from your right answers if you give the wrong answer to a question.

Every UPSC candidate must remember these tips for avoiding the trap of negative marking in the UPSC exam. These points can help you get an excellent grade in the UPSC exam.

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