IAS Mock Interview – 2019
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, UPSC has deferred the IAS interviews scheduled from March 23 to April 3. Many students are yet to appear for the interview (date will be announced by the Commission after situation becomes calm).
At this stage, candidate can have Free DAF analysis session online with Bibhash Sharma, Director, Elite IAS Academy via Skype or Telephone. This is just a humanitarian gesture to help candidates appearing for Civil Services Interview-2019.
For Appointment call: 8588883939 or Email: info@eliteias.in
What is UPSC likely to ask you?
It would be interesting to note that rather than what UPSC asks you, it’s how you approach the question, that’s more important. It’s not your knowledge that’s going to be evaluated. Your scores in the Prelims and the Mains have already satisfied UPSC that you have knowledge enough to function as a successful administrator. And that explains why you are there in front of the Interview Panel.

The Interview aims at making an assessment (read scrutinizing), the potential administrator’s personality. Yes, your complete personality is to go through a microscope test. Thus, it’s your approach to the question that really counts.
UPSC is going to ask various types of the questions to make an assessment of various aspects of your personality. It only implies, rather too obviously, that the Personality Test is not going to be simple. The questions might be:
- Tough
- Simple (seemingly, that is to say)
- Factual
- Analytical
- Tricky, etc.
And do not be surprised, if you are taken aback for quite a few of the questions would deliberately intend to make you feel so! What if an IAS officer feels too shocked to make the relevant decision at the required moment! In case, you cannot maintain the tranquility and poise of your mind, you are not fit to administer the country.
Besides, do not begin to answer impulsively. At the same time, you are not expected to keep mum. Rather, read between the lines, that is to say, you should be smart enough to realize what aspect of your personality; the question is actually aiming at!
Here’s what the questions are likely to be based upon
Unlike the Prelims and the Mains, you do not have any pre-decided syllabus to work upon in order to face the Interview. It’s entirely up to UPSC to opt for the questions in order to make an assessment of your personality.
But, it’s advisable to be highly careful while filling in the DAF as quite a few of the questions in the Interview are likely to be based on the details provided by you in the form. Some of the question areas that might originate from the DAF, apart from many others, are listed below:
- Candidate’s background
- Background of Parents/Guardian
- Employment status
- Competitive exams cleared
- Previous Civil Services attempts
- Competitive exams cleared
- Education particulars
- Reasons for interest in Civil Services
- Education particulars
- Coaching attended
- Optional subject chosen
Here is what you are likely to be asked?
Though all are aware that facing the Interview is not an easy task, you would still be running a high probability to ace the Interview, if you are confident, poised, and analyze the question well before making a reply. However, do not too much of time in order to get to the roots of what does the question actually aims at. Be smart and quick to figure out what aspect of your personality, the interview is trying to assess and answer accordingly, presenting the brightest picture of yourself as a future IAS officer.
Read on the questions given below to find more about how UPSC may assess your personality
- Tell us briefly about yourself.
- What is the meaning of your name (first name/ surname)
- Tell us about your hometown.
- Tell us about your family
- Do you think the subjects that you had been studying in school and college would be relevant as an administrator?
- Why did you choose ‘xyz’ college/school?
Current Affairs
- What are today’s headlines?
- Few important issues in news about India/your state/your hometown in the last few months
Work profile
- What were your roles and responsibilities at your job?
- Why do you want to become an IAS/IPS/IFS officer?
Optional Subject
- Why did you opt for the specific Optional subject only?
- Why made you choose an Optional subject other than what you had been studying in your graduation?
UPSC would ask questions based on and related to the hobbies as you would have specified in the DAF. However, while filling in the form, be absolutely honest for your knowledge of the hobby is not going to be taken for granted by the Interview Panel. You might be asked to sing in order to prove that you actually have been fond of singing, in case you have specified that as one of your hobbies in the DAF.
Useful Article to Read:
A Few Quick Tips For IAS Preparation
Top Trickiest Questions Asked in IAS Interview
UPSC Exam Preparation Strategy for beginners