Referring to the Indian Civil Services in a perspective often results in various types of interpretations. And it is only logical for all are bound to have different perspectives and hence, interpret the Indian Civil Services differently. Besides, the ideology of the interpreter also counts. In case, he happens to be an Academician, he is more likely to be inclined to interpret the textual terminology including the term Civil Services.
And it is very probable that an Academician’s perspective of the Civil Services would also include the historical and the Constitutional evolution of the Civil Services at various platforms. And the perspective, in all its likelihood, would not forget that the Union Public Service Commission had been visualized as a
- Permanent
- Neutral
- Apolitical, and a
- Well informed entity
Besides, a scientifically inquiring temperament and the spirit have always been the driving force behind UPSC. The government body has always been expected to be at the service of the common man of India with an unwavering focus. Needless to say, UPSC looks for the men and women with absolute integrity. As a result, there is also a Paper Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude (GS IV, Mains, CSE).
Besides, UPSC recruits the candidates well equipped with both academic and the practical intelligence. Moreover, the Civil Servants are expected to be social harmonizers making the best possible efforts to resolve the conflicts while being at the service of the people.
No wonder, the Civil Servants are expected to serve the society in a manner so that the terms Civil Servant and the Public Servant become synonymous with each other. Specifically the people at the lowest rung must be served with the most genuine of the commitments. Thus, a true Civil Servant is to serve the society with such integrity that he is looked upon as an emancipator.
It should be noted that the years in the beginning specifically the 50s and the 60s bear witness to all the tenets as stated above being almost implemented in the practical manner. And the two decades that followed saw the Civil Services evolving to a great extent at various platforms including all the attributes as stated below:
- scholarly,
- dedicated,
- public service-oriented,
- magnanimous,
- accessible
- intellectually and morally honest and
- upright
Thus, the Indian Civil Services that had thus evolved set a highly appreciable benchmark for the Civil Servants of the future.
The years that followed had been somewhat different in the terms of the policy and the programme initiatives, apart from the objectives. Obviously, the initial two decades comprised the founding and the building years for the nation. Needless to say, the Civil Servants, too, had been driven by the spirit to build and pioneer. No wonder, they had been looked upon with great respect by the people dreaming of India as a powerful, self-sustaining and highly confident country.
As the years rolled on, various policies and the programmes were finely attuned to the frequently emerging demands for an India that ought to be powerful at various platforms including economical, social and military, apart from various other perspectives.
Thus, various banks, mines and insurance(s) etc., were nationalized so that various programmes could be funded sufficiently for the sake of development and alleviating numerous problems including poverty. Besides, there had been:
- efforts contributing to the green revolution and the associated research and development
- irrigation
- fertilizers
- Science and Technology
- Space
- Nuclear Energy
- Power
- Rural Development etc.
Apart from what had been listed above, substantial work was undertaken at various platforms including:
- Railways
- Defence
- Communications, etc.
Needless to say, the various development programmes demanded the investments and the expenditure that seemed to be ever increasing.
Besides, it should not be forgotten that India also had to face 3 wars right within the first two decades when the nation gained Independence. And needless to say, it did take a heavy toll on the nation’s resources and economy.
However, the Indian Civil Services have faced the challenge with great practicality, thus earning the respect of the nation.
And, when we talk of the modern day Indian Civil Services, the educated Indian youth dreams of joining no other career, but be a Civil Servant. That is to say, the Indian Civil Service is the first career choice for most of the Indian youths.
The Civil Servants, specifically the IAS officers are looked upon by the Indian society in great awe. Apart from the power and the prestige that is bestowed upon an IAS officer, it is the great opportunity to serve the nation that proves to be the great force driving the youths to dream of joining the IAS.
UPSC has always enjoyed a reputation for recruiting only the best who are also endowed with great moral and ethical integrity, apart from the great intellectual minds. Needless to say, the Union Public Service Commission not only makes an assessment of the knowledge of the candidates, but the complete personality in order to see to it that the candidates thus appointed would be able to serve the nation in a manner that would be justifiable to all concerned.
And one may throw a careful glance at the statistics to confirm the same. Huge multitudes of the educated Indians apply for the Civil Services Exam every year. But only a few qualify the Prelims. By the time, the result for the second stage, i.e., the Mains are declared, the number is reduced even further. And needless to say, the digit decreases further after UPSC declares the successful candidates when the last stage, i.e., Interview is over.
UPSC recruits the Civil Servants only after conducting the CSE in a holistic manner. While the first two stages viz., the Prelims and the Mains make an assessment of the candidates’ knowledge, the Interview assesses the personality.
It should never be forgotten that UPSC looks for the best and as a result, provides the recruited candidates with the best! And in a nutshell, that gives a picture to motivate the aspirants to spare no efforts to successfully clear the CSE in order to see themselves as successful Civil Servants.